Friday, September 15, 2006


Well boys and girls, this has been a fun couple of months. The weather sucked and getting to the beach those last few times was tough. But I managed to eek out one last perfect day out on Fire Island at Point O'Woods. The new erosion was horrifying. The whole shape of the beach had changed. I remember a couple of years ago after a bad nor'easter there was a scramble to move houses back from the water about 100 feet. They must be joking. I never understood anyone owning a house on the ocean. Renting maybe. But owning? I don't think so. But I diverge.

So my daughter found out her boyfriend was an idiot, started a new job, and I found out I have rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, dearies, me. The good news is that it wasn't anything I did OR didn't do. It just happens. And it happened overnight. When I made a fist my knuckles felt like rubber. In the morning my feet didn't feel flat on the floor. My neck was creaking, my should was popping. Wow...what a mess.

So through the courtesy of my boss who I think was truly afraid I wouldn't be able to type anymore sent me to a top rheumatologist at Hospital for Special Surgery. This brings me to another of my favorite topics - healthcare in this country. But you should know the initial visit was almot $500 and he doesn't take insurance. So if it had been left up to me I would have bought a case of Advil and forgotten about it. I will save the insurance discussion for another time. But I had about 4 gallons of blood taken and will get results when I go back to see this doctor on Tuesday. Am I scared? at moments. But somewhere I have to believe it will be alright. I have to be able to type. And other things. Which I will also table for the moment.

Next week is the gala cocktail party my daughter organized. So we are all about that right now - gathering the last minute items for the gift bags, realizing we have nothing to wear. Oh well, at least it is a night out and it will be FUN!

So now I have to admit my hands are tired. The dog is already asleep on the bed so that's where I am headed. But I wanted to write and so now I have.

Say goodnight, Gracie.


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